Thursday, June 17, 2010



for regulating the

Establishment and Operation


Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions in India

Distance Education Council
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi

Table of contents

1. Preamble: 4
2. Institutions that need Approval:……………………………………………..4
3. The Undertakings to be given by the ODL Institutions seeking Approval from the DEC…………………………………………………………… ……5
4. Minimum Requirements for Establishment of DEIs: 6
5. Procedure to be followed by DEI for Seeking Recognition from DEC: 8
6. Procedure to be followed by DEI for Seeking Continuation of Recognition from DEC: 9
7. Assessment of the DEI by the DEC 9
8. Withdrawal of Recognition Status of DEI by the DEC…………….........10
9. Guidelines for DEIs for identification of study centre 10
10. Procedures to be followed by DEIs for opening study centre 12
11. Inspection of Study Centre by the Parent Institution /DEI 12
12. Closing of Study Centre by Parent Institution / DEI 13

DEC-Guidelines, 2006, for regulating the Establishment and Operation of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions in India


1. Preamble:

The Distance Education Council (DEC), established under statute 28 of the IGNOU Act, 1985, is responsible for the promotion and coordination of the Open and Distance Learning system in the country. The DEC has been taking various initiatives to maintain the standards of the Distance Education in the Country. Of late, it has been seen that there is indiscriminate proliferation of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions in India. Even single-mode conventional universities are becoming dual mode to offer programmes in the distance mode. This has happened due to the fact that the formal system of face-to-face instruction has failed to cope up with the educational requirements of the ever-increasing number of aspiring students after plus two stage. At present more than 20% students of higher education in the Country are enrolled in the ODL system. What is disturbing to note is that distance mode has become purely commercial venture with little or no attention being paid to the quality of education offered to the learners. Many Universities awarding sub-standard certificate/diploma/degree programmes are not adhering to even the guidelines issued by the concerned regulatory bodies. In order to safeguard the interest of the students in India and to ensure the quality of education, the DEC has framed Guidelines, 2006 for regulating the establishment and operation of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions in India.

2. Institutions that need Approval:

The types of institutions that offer or intend to offer education through distance mode and need approval from the Distance Education Council are as follows:

2.1 State Open Universities
2.2 DEIs in conventional universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature/Deemed to be universities declared by the Central Government under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament
2.3 Other ODL institutions registered as societies/trusts and or privately provided managed institutions/colleges which are affiliated to a university for award of degrees. Such institutions are required to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the affiliating university for starting distance education at the time of submitting proposal for approval from the DEC.

3. The Undertakings to be given by the ODL Institutions seeking Approval from the DEC:

The ODL institutions shall give and comply with the following undertakings:

3.1. That the provisions of the DEC established under the Statute 28 of the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985 and the standing orders and directions of the Distance Education Council, shall be observed.
3.2. That the parent institution which intends to start or which has already started Distance Education Institutions (DEIs) should have a provision in its Act / MoA for running Distance Education programme(s):
Provided that the universities which have already started DEIs in absence of such provision in their Act, shall amend their Act to that extent.
3.3. That the parent institution shall not establish its Study Centres/Regional Centres outside its jurisdiction as specified in the parent institution Act/ MoA. In case of Deemed to be Universities the offering of distance education programmes will be confined to the state in which the main campus of the parent institution is located, except for programmes that are culturally and linguistically relevant even outside their state. Explicit approval of DEC should be obtained for offering such programmes.
3.4. That the parent institution shall have appropriate legislation to monitor the academic standard and quality of Distance Education within the parent institution.
3.5. That the parent institution shall appoint adequate and duly qualified faculty as per norms laid down by the Distance Education Council, from time to time.
3.6. That the stipulations regarding qualifications and experience for the recruitment of core faculty and supporting staff shall be as per the norms laid down by the University Grants Commission or relevant statutory bodies or the DEC from time to time.
3.7. That there shall be suitable and adequate physical facilities such as a building, library, computer facility and laboratories required for imparting instruction through the Distance Education mode and for conducting relevant research.
3.8. That the number of students admitted for the programme(s) of study under the Distance Education programme shall not exceed the limits prescribed by the Distance Education Council, from time to time.
3.9. That the directions issued from time to time, by the DEC shall be strictly followed in terms of stipulations of the DEC prescribed for different programmes from time to time.
3.10. That the parent institution shall not permanently withdraw the courses of study already offered, except as per the procedure laid down by the Distance Education Council.
3.11. That the parent institution shall give an undertaking that it will prepare the self-instructional material in the form of print, audio and video or in any other form as per the guidelines of DEC and launch the programme after seeking prior approval of DEC.
3.12. That the parent institution shall not award through the distance mode, the Degrees, which are not included in the list, approved by the University Grants Commission/ DEC.
3.13. Recognition of the Distance Education Institution for offering distance education programmes will normally be for a period of five years unless specified otherwise by the DEC.

4. Minimum Requirements for Establishment of DEIs:

4.1. Programmes to be offered

The Directorate of open and distance education should offer programmes as per the objectives of the institution/university and the national and regional needs. The DEIs will offer those programmes of study for which DEC has given the approval.

4.2. Staff

There should be a full time Director for the DEI who will directly report to the Vice-Chancellor. The Directorate will require at least one academic staff for each programme. These positions should be filled on permanent basis failing which these may be filled on deputation or on contractual basis. The provision for adequate number of supporting staff including staff to handle financial matters shall be made.

4.3. Teaching Learning Strategies

The parent institution shall ensure that there is laid down mechanism for curriculum development and its approval by the statutory authorities of the parent institution, preparation of material in self-instructional format and proper policy for admission of students.

4.4. Evaluation System

The parent institution should clearly spell out the evaluation mechanism and procedure duly approved by the statutory bodies of the universities and make available staff qualified for the purpose.

4.5. Delivery system

All learning materials including print, counseling, multimedia and innovative methods should be adopted as an integral part of the delivery of programme.

4.6. Infrastructural Facilities

The parent institution shall earmark sufficient building space for housing administrative and academic activity/staff, library and material storage and dispatch etc. in order to provide efficient student support services as per the guidelines of the DEC.

4.7. Library and Resource Centre

The parent institution should have a separate library and Resource Centre facilities for the use of the learners, faculty members and counselors etc. It should also function as a resource centre for various types of information.

4.8. Audio-Visual Production Facility

The parent institution may ensure the availability of facilities of Audio-video Production and multimedia facilities of their own or by outsourcing.

4.9. ICT Facilities

All the student support services should be computerized to facilitate the effective delivery of programmes and information. The parent institution shall provide office automation tools and communication technology as per the norms laid down by the DEC from time to time.

4.10. Management of the Directorate

The parent institution shall constitute an ‘Advisory Committee’ to manage the academic and administrative matters of the Directorate. The Advisory Committee shall report to the academic council and the highest Executive Body of the parent institution.

The parent institution shall maintain a separate book of accounts for DEI. The major part of the income shall be used for the academic enrichment, maintenance and strengthening of infrastructural facilities of the DEI.

4.11. Training of Counselors and other Personnel

The parent institution should arrange facilities for organizing training/ workshops for academic counselors, study centre coordinators and others.

4.12. Study Centre

The Directorate should establish well-equipped Study Centres as per DEC guidelines. These centres should preferably be established in colleges/academic institutions having adequate infrastructure within the geographic limits of the jurisdiction of the parent institution and not beyond it. There should be a proper justification for opening a Study Centre at a particular location.

5. Procedure to be followed by DEI for Seeking Recognition from DEC:

The application should be submitted in the prescribed proforma by

5.1 The Registrar in case of the University.
5.2 Director/Secretary of the Governing Body in case of colleges and other institutions.
5.3 Secretary of Society/Trust or any other person authorised by the Society/Trust.
5.4 The application should be accompanied by the prescribed fee as per programme in the form of Demand Draft in favour of DEC, payable at New Delhi.

The DEC shall scrutinize all such applications received within the
5.5. Prescribed time limit.
5.6. The DEC shall cause an assessment by a Committee constituted by it for this purpose.
5.7. The DEC may grant permission to such parent institution (s), which fulfill the prescribed requirement taking into account the financial position, and infrastructure of the parent institution and the State level requirement of Distance Education.

6. Procedure to be followed by DEI for Seeking Continuation of Recognition from DEC:

6.1. The parent institution may apply to the DEC for continuation of recognition, which was initially granted, ordinarily one year prior to the date of expiry of such recognition.
6.2. The Universities, presently, conducting programmes under Distance Education through the DEIs, shall apply to the DEC in a prescribed form along with the applicable fees for continuation of such programmes.
6.3. The DEC may constitute an expert committee to review the present status of infrastructural facilities, and quality of the existing academic programmes in the DEIs.
6.4. The committee shall visit the parent institution to assess the facilities available with the parent institution for the courses of study as per the guidelines of the DEC and shall submit its report to the DEC.
6.5. The DEC after considering the report of the committee may permit the parent institution to continue with the programme under the Open and Distance Learning system.

7. Assessment of the DEI by the DEC:

7.1. Parent institution/DEI shall furnish from time to time, such reports, returns and other information as may be required by the DEC to enable it to assess the academic standards of programmes being offered, and the administrative and financial management.

7.2. The Chairperson, DEC shall cause every parent institution to be assessed at least once in five years, unless specified otherwise, by an Expert Committee appointed by the Council in this regard.

7.3. The Committee, after visiting the DEI, shall submit its report to the Chairperson, DEC for consideration.

7.4. The Director, DEC shall communicate the decision of the Council to the parent institution/DEI.

8. Withdrawal of Recognition Status of DEI by the DEC:

8.1. If the parent institution which is permitted to run the Distance Education programmes fails to comply with the conditions of recognition or if it is conducting the DEI’s affairs in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the DEC or the academic standards laid down by it, the DEC may issue a notice to the Registrar of the said parent institution to show cause as to why the privileges conferred on the parent institution to run programmes under ODL system should not be withdrawn.
8.2. The DEC shall mention the grounds on which it proposes to initiate the above-mentioned action. The parent institution shall file its written statement in reply to the notice within a period of thirty days.
8.3. On receipt of such written statement from the Registrar of the parent institution or on the expiry of the period as specified in the notice, the Director, DEC shall place before the Council, the notice and written statement, if any, with or without the motion of withdrawal or modification of such privileges.
8.4. The DEC shall give due regard to the interest of the students studying in the parent institution under the distance mode before proceeding to implement the recommendations. It shall lay down the procedure and the time-frame according to which the withdrawal will be effected.

9. Guidelines for DEIs for identification of Study Centre:

‘Study Centre’ means a centre established and maintained or recognized by the parent institution for the purpose of advising, counseling or for rendering any other assistance required by the students used in the context of distance education. The parent institution shall make adequate provisions for Study Centers within its jurisdiction having adequate student support facilities, including Academic Staff, coordinator, and counselors/tutors.

In the ODL System, Study Centres play an important role since they act as focal contact points for distance learners. The Study Centres provide academic and administrative support services to the distance learners. In these Study Centres, the learners are provided with collegiate environment through information dissemination, monitoring and academic counseling, vocational guidance, hands-on experience (in case of practical), multimedia support, student evaluation, library services and peer group interaction.

MOU to be signed with other institution for opening a Study Centre should take into account the following points:

9.1. That the directions and the orders issued by the Vice-Chancellor and any other officer of the parent institution in exercise of the powers conferred on them under the provisions of the parent institution Act, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations, prepared there under shall be complied with.
9.2. That, the Study Centres shall be opened only in affiliated and constituent colleges, and in such other academic institutions which the parent institution may deem fit. The Study Centre should be located only within the jurisdiction of the parent institution after signing MOU. In case of Deemed to be university the Study Centres should be only in the state where its Headquarters is located.
9.3. That the number of students admitted for each course of study in the Study Centre shall not exceed the limit prescribed by the parent institution.
9.4. That there shall be suitable and adequate physical facilities such as building(s), laboratories, library, equipments etc. required for meaningful counseling/tutoring/laboratory work as may be prescribed.
9.5. That the Study Centre, shall ensure the availability of the required number of qualified counselors and non-teaching staff with required qualifications.
9.6. That the service of all teaching and non-teaching employees and the facilities such as building(s), laboratories etc., shall be made available for conducting examinations and for promoting other activities of the parent institution under the ODL System.
9.7. That there shall be no change or transfer of management of a Study Centre to any other agency without previous permission of the parent institution authorities.
9.8. That the Study Centre shall not be closed without prior permission of the parent institution.
9.9. That in the event of disqualification or closure of the Study Centre, all the assets of the Study Centre including books, computers, furniture etc., which have been created out of the funds collected as fees and charges from the students, shall vest in the parent institution.
9.10. No facilities of the Study Centre shall be used for running programmes of other private institutions or private providers.
9.11. The DEC reserves the right to inspect Study Centres as and when deemed fit without prior notice.

10. Procedures to be followed by DEIs for opening Study Centre:

10.1. For the purpose of considering the application for grant of permission to start a Study Centre, the Vice-Chancellor shall cause an inquiry by an expert committee constituted for the purpose.
10.2. The report of the Committee shall be placed before the Academic Council/or any other appropriate body as decided by the parent institution. The Academic Council/or appropriate body after careful scrutiny shall decide:
10.2.1. Whether permission to start a Study Centre, should be granted or rejected;
10.2.2. The subjects, programmes of study, the number of students to be attached for each programme in the centre;
10.2.3. Conditions, if any, which may be stipulated while granting the permission.
10.3. The report of the Academic Council/or such other body shall be placed before the highest Executive Body of the University.
10.4. The Registrar shall communicate the decision of the Executive Body to all those who have applied for permission to start the Study Centre(s).
10.5. No student shall be admitted by the Study Centre directly.
10.6. No application shall be entertained directly by the Executive Body of the parent institution for the grant of permission for opening Regional Centre(s) or Study Centre(s) as the case may be.

11. Inspection of Study Centre by the Parent Institution /DEI:

11.1. Every Study Centre shall submit such reports, return and other particulars as the parent institution may require for enabling it to judge the academic standards and efficiency of administration of the Study Centre.
11.2. The Vice-Chancellor shall cause every Study Centre to be inspected, at least once in every two years, by an expert Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose.
11.3. Each Study Centre shall apply to the parent institution in prescribed form for the continuation of the Study Centre with the fees as prescribed by the parent institution, from time to time.
11.4. The Committee shall visit the Study Centre and verify the infrastructure and other related academic matters and submit their report to the Vice-Chancellor.
11.5. The Registrar shall communicate the decision of the parent institution to the Study Centre.

12. Closing of Study Centre by Parent Institution / DEI:

12.1. If a Study Centre fails to comply with conditions as contained in the MOU the parent institution may issue a notice to the Coordinator of the Study Centre to show cause as to why the privileges conferred on it should not be withdrawn.

12.2. The Coordinator of the Study Centre should file his/her written statement in reply to the notice within a period of 30 days.

12.3. On receipt of such a written statement or on the expiry of the period as specified in the notice above, the Registrar shall place before the Academic Council the notice and written statement, if any, with or without the motion of withdrawal of permission.

12.4. The Academic Council or the designated body shall give due regard to the interest of the students studying in the Study Centre, before recommending to the executive body the action to be taken in this respect.

12.5. If the parent institution withdraws permission of running its programme in Study Centre then the closure of Study Centre shall be as per the procedure and time frame that may be laid down by DEC.


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